How to Get Bigger Arms
5 Exercises to Reach Your Goals
Developing bigger, stronger arms is something many individuals desire. It can create a greater sense of confidence and make daily tasks easier if your job requires a certain degree of manual labor. Not to mention, having a greater muscle mass can increase your metabolism, reduce your risk of injury, and increase your overall bodily control and ability to function optimally.
Are you interested in a routine to get bigger arms? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive in and explore the primary muscles and how to target them.
What are the Major Muscles in Your Arms?
There are several muscles in the upper arm (between the shoulder and elbow) and forearm (between the elbow and wrist). These muscles work together to allow for movement.
There are more than twenty muscles in the upper arm and forearm (the area between the elbow and wrist). Arm muscles create fine motor movements, such as moving your fingers or fastening a button. They also allow for larger movements, such as straightening your elbow, raising your arms above your head, or doing push-ups.
You have four muscles in your upper arm, the area between your shoulder and elbow. Perhaps the most well-known and targeted is the bicep muscle, located in the middle of the upper arm. It’s a superficial muscle which means it’s close to your skin’s surface.
The second primary muscle in your upper arm is the tricep. The tricep muscle is located on the back of the arm, just above the elbow. Similar to the biceps, the triceps muscle is superficial. It operates opposite to the bicep and requires different exercises for strength training.
Several superficial muscles are on the underside of your arm. Most of them start below your elbow and extend to your wrist. These are known as the forearm muscles.
While the deltoids are technically shoulder muscles, they help you move your arms in different directions. They also protect and stabilize your shoulder joint.
1. Bicep Curls
The biceps are the critical muscle involved in lifting and pulling with your arms. There’s a reason individuals target the bicep muscle so heavily. In fact, it is considered by many to be the most overtrained muscle, as biceps are seen in Hollywood as a sign of strength and attractiveness. A study completed by the American Council of Exercise (ACE) found that bicep curls are the best exercise to build your bicep muscle. Let’s explore a few different variations.
Concentration Curl
The concentration curl is the exercise that achieves the most significant muscle activation. It is so effective as it isolates the bicep muscle. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
- Grip a single dumbbell with your hand and lean forward slightly while sitting on a bench.
- Position your legs to form a “v.” Place your weight-bearing elbow against the inside of your thigh.
- Maintain proper body alignment and slowly curl the dumbbell towards your shoulder. At the top, your palm should face your shoulder before lowering the weight again. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 10-12 reps before switching to the other arm. Repeat 3-6 times.
Cable Curl
Cable curls can be completed using a pulley machine or resistance band secured well. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
- Position your body two feet from the machine or secured resistance band and place your foot opposite your curling hand in front of the other for stability.
- Maintain proper body alignment and slowly curl your arm with the grip or band in hand towards your shoulder. At the top, your palm should face your shoulder before lowering the weight again. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 10-12 reps before switching to the other arm. Repeat 3-6 times.
Barbell Curl
When completing a barbell curl, keep your back in alignment and use your core to limit motion beyond the biceps. This will help to isolate the muscles and ensure proper form. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Hold the barbell with your arms comfortably at your sides, with your palms facing out.
- Exhale while slowly raising the barbell towards your chest, hold the position for a moment, then lower it in a controlled motion. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 10-12 reps. Repeat 3-5 times.
2. Chair Dips
Chair dips are an excellent bodyweight exercise to develop your shoulders and grow muscle mass in your arms, specifically your triceps. It is also an excellent exercise for burning body fat and strengthening your core, as you must hold your hips steady off the ground. For individuals who are just beginning their weight training journey, you can limit the range of motion for this exercise. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
- Using a bench or chair, position your arms shoulder-width apart. Place your feet squarely in front at a comfortable distance from the bench, bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Move your bottom forward to hover just in front of the bench.
- Slowly lower your bottom towards the ground in a dipping fashion, then return to the starting position. Your elbows will remain between 45 and 90 degrees during this exercise. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 10-12 reps. Repeat 3 times.
Tricep Kickback
Tricep kickbacks are an excellent isolation exercise for training the tricep muscle. You can perform this exercise using both arms simultaneously or just one for a more focused method. Remember to select an appropriate weight. It shouldn’t be too heavy and limit your repetitions, but it must also be challenging enough to work the muscle well. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, shoulder-width apart, with the palms facing inward.
- Bend your knees slightly, engage your core, and hinge towards the floor while keeping your back and neck aligned.
- Tuck your chin in slightly, breathe in, and exhale while extending your forearms backward, hinging at the elbow joint, and engaging the tricep muscle. The upper arms should remain still during this exercise. Return the weights to the starting position as you inhale again. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 12-15 reps. Repeat 3 times.
3. Push-ups
Push-ups are highly beneficial exercises. Not to mention, there are several variations to focus on continued muscle growth. If you’re interested in the best arm exercises, push-ups are an excellent place to start, as they rely on your body weight, inspire more muscle growth in your upper body, and contribute to a well-rounded workout.
Triangle Pushups
Of all the upper body exercises discussed in this article, the triangle push-up is perhaps the best at building muscle mass in your triceps. It is a highly effective arm exercise that requires no equipment. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
- Shift into a traditional push-up position with your hands and toes in contact with the ground.
- Place your hands just below your head, about chest level. Open your fingers, touching both pointer fingers and thumbs together to form a triangle.
- Slowly lower your body to the floor until your nose is above your hands.
- Push your body back to the starting position, maintaining alignment in your spine and neck. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 12-15 reps. Repeat 3 times.
4. Overhead Extension
An overhead extension is an exercise completed with a single dumbbell. You can sit on a bench or stand shoulder-width apart when going through the movement. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Position one foot slightly in front of the other. If you choose to sit down, place your feet a comfortable distance apart and ensure proper alignment of your head, neck, and back.
- Wrap both hands around the handle of the dumbbell.
- Lift the dumbbell over your head, straightening your arms.
- In a controlled motion, bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle until the dumbbell drops behind your head.
- Return the weight to the starting position with full extension. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 8-12 reps. Repeat 3 times.
5. Chin-ups
A chin-up requires a sturdy overhead bar. It must be high enough off the ground, so your feet don’t touch the floor when completing the exercise with arms extended. Here’s how to complete this exercise:
- Stand under the chin-up bar with palms facing you and grab the bar with both hands.
- Firmly grip the bar and steady your body. Some individuals find it helpful to cross their legs for added stability.
- Exhale and pull your body upward by bending your elbows until your chin meets the bar.
- Pause for a moment, then slowly lower your body to the starting position. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 3-8 reps or until exhaustion. Repeat 3 times.
Having a greater muscle mass can increase your metabolism, reduce your risk of injury, and increase your overall bodily control and ability to function optimally.
Additional Exercises to Round Out Your Routine
If you want to get your heart rate up and round out your arm routine, there are many different exercises to incorporate. Let’s explore a few of the most popular compound exercises for building muscle mass.
Deadlifts are an essential strength exercise. They improve core strength, agility, and coordination. Not to mention, they contribute to significant muscle growth. Deadlifts can also increase an individual’s range of motion, enhance joint stability, and increase bone density. Here’s how to complete a traditional deadlift:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Position the barbell with the appropriate weight in front of your feet.
- Broaden your chest, align your shoulders, and drop your hips backward slightly.
- Hinging at the hips, bend forward and grip the barbell.
- With your feet firmly on the floor, press your hips back forward to come into a standing position.
- Keeping your legs, back, and knees in alignment, return to the starting position, pushing your hips back, bending your knees slightly, and squatting down to place the bar on the floor. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 3-6 reps. Repeat 3 times.
Bench Press
The bench press is an excellent compound exercise that strengthens the upper body muscles. This includes the arms, pectorals, and shoulders. It requires the use of a barbell or dumbbells and a bench. Here’s how to complete a traditional bench press:
- Laying on your back with your feet a comfortable distance apart, firmly grasp the dumbbells or barbell and place them directly above your shoulder line, shoulder-width apart.
- Breathing in, slowly lower the weight to your chest, keeping your head, neck, and hips on the bench in alignment.
- Exhaling, return the weight to the starting position. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 6-12 reps. Repeat 3-5 times.
Squats are a rudimentary movement that requires multiple joint and muscle integration. As a dynamic strength-training exercise, squats need many different muscles in your upper and lower body to work together. That’s why adding squats to your workouts can help enhance your performance and decrease your risk of injury. Here’s how to complete a traditional bodyweight squat:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your toes slightly outward to further stabilize your body.
- Keeping your chest up and hands locked in front of you, slowly lower your body in a squatting position, equally distributing your body weight to both legs and feet. Dip only as low as is comfortable and controlled.
- Return to the starting position, flexing your glutes at the top and pushing through your heels and legs. This is considered one rep.
- Complete 10-15 reps. Repeat 3 times.
Core training is an essential component of every effective workout. Planks are an excellent option as they require a focus on stability to improve muscle mass. Here’s how to complete a traditional plank:
- Get into a push-up position with your toes firmly on the ground. Place your forearms on the ground shoulder-width apart.
- Hold your neck, back, and hips in alignment as you count to 30 or 60.
- Return to the resting position. This is considered one rep.
- Repeat 3 times.
Developing bigger, stronger arms is something many individuals desire. It can create a greater sense of confidence and make daily tasks easier if your job requires a certain degree of manual labor. Not to mention, having a greater muscle mass can increase your metabolism, reduce your risk of injury, and increase your overall bodily control and ability to function optimally.
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