Best GF classes to take with your family in honor of Family Health and Fitness Day

Best GF classes to take with your family in honor of Family Health and Fitness Day

October 10, 2024

By Fiona Buangan

Family Health and Fitness Day reminds us to put family fitness first. On the last Saturday of September, this day promotes physical activity and healthy living among families. There are so many fun things that a family can do on this day, such as:

  • Play a family sport
  • Attend a local event at a health club
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Take a dance class
  • Cook and make a healthy meal together

Or…why not visit your local Crunch to take some Group Fitness classes? Here are some favorites that would be great for families to enjoy together.

people in a dance class

Zumba/Pop Dance/Cardio Dance Blast

Do you have teen/tween or hip-hop dancer in the family? These classes are super fun for a family, and you don’t have to be a great dancer. Everyone can learn some cool moves choreographed to music. Who knows? Maybe your family can choreograph a small routine and post it on your social media!

Ride Classes

Being on a stationary bike can be comfortable for many if it is their first group fitness class. You have your own space usually in a dimly lit room. You ride along with the instructor and can take it at the pace that fits best for you. Each family member can do the class and finish together. This also promotes bike rides outdoors together when the weather is nice.

Pilates/Yoga/Stretch Classes

All levels can take this class. It is great for all ages and stretching should be an integral part of fitness. Kids who play sports can gain mobility and learn how to stretch before and after their team sports games. Parents can learn how to take stretch breaks while at work. The entire family can also meditate together. Wouldn’t it be great to take what you learn home and have some quiet downtime in the house?


Lifting weights can be intimidating for anyone. What’s great about the classes where weight lifting is incorporated is that the family can learn how to work out specific muscles, how to use proper form, and what moves work which muscles. As older members of the family age (like grandparents), it is important to do weight-bearing exercises. Working out your biceps is just like carrying that bag at the grocery store. Squats are just like getting up out of a chair.

people in yoga class

Remember any class or activity you do on this day is beneficial. In the long run, it can go beyond just one day. Healthy living is the practice of health-enhancing behaviors that involve the physical, mental, and spiritual capacity to make healthy choices.

Remember the everyday habits we develop from our families. Food and health patterns tend to spread between family members when they live in the same household, which means that it can be hard to break out of unhealthy patterns when everyone else is doing it. Or you can learn healthy patterns.  I remember as a kid my mom used to drag me to her Group Fitness classes. At the time, I just sat on the side watching adults scream and yell to music. Little did I know years later that would have a direct impact on me, as I have been teaching fitness classes for over 30 years. So, start to plan out the day with the family and have a fun day of family fitness!                  

Fiona Buangan is a group fitness instructor at Crunch Fitness.

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